Friday, August 31, 2012

Closure with Archwarrior not helped by just two other dirt races on card

The debut of the ballyhooed Archwarrior was certainly steeped in suspense, not any less so after he was scratched a couple of times. Figure makers (and actually, the figure-receiving public) received one more trial, since turf-race obsessed NYRA chose to run only two other dirt races yesterday, both maidens, and neither in Archwarrior's division. Running more turf races than dirt races on a card is standard for NYRA but makes me feel nostalgic and protective. I feel like vintage dirt racing is being taken away from us, and no one is talking about it.

Anyway, I don't feel this way emotionally, but my analysis is that you can make fairly accurate figures off of three races. If you're to draw a line between when you can responsibly and can't responsibly figure, three races is really how many you need.

Archwarrior's Beyer-scale number came out to 85.2 for me. That's a good number, there are no red flags there, and he's within reach of being a top 2-year-old, particularly if he improves with more distance. Basically, 85.2 might not usually enable a horse to factor, but times in the 2-year-old male stakes have been been poor so far this year. My faith in the number is bolstered by the previous day's variant rendering it an 84.4 -- very close to the 85.2 Thursday' s races gave me.

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